Music programs in the College of Creative Arts focus on the development of academic competence, professional skills and critical and creative abilities. The program aims to spearhead the advancement of music and music education in Malaysia and on the international front through creative music learning-teaching strategies and cutting-edge music research.
Program muzik di Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif memberi tumpuan kepada pembangunan kecekapan akademik, kemahiran profesional dan kebolehan kritikal dan kreatif. Kajian program ini bertujuan untuk menerokai ilmu baru dalam bidang pendidikan muzik di Malaysia serta di peringkat antarabangsa melalui strategi pengajaran-pembelajaran yang kreatif dan penyelidikan terkini dalam bidang muzik.
Correspondence Address:
Conservatory of Music
College of Creative Arts
Level 11, Menara SAAS
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor
Alamat Surat-menyurat:
Konservatori Muzik
Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif
Tingkat 11, Menara SAAS
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor
No Tel.: 03-55438502/55442722

Ketua Pengajian Konservatori Muzik
+6 03 5543 8502 | 5544 2722
CAMU110 | Diploma in Music
The Diploma in Music is a two- and a half-year preparatory music program. Instruction is provided for both the practical and theoretical components of music to introduce students to the fundamentals of music theory, aural training, history, vocal or instrumental studies, as well as provide students with performing opportunities in solo and group settings such as traditional ensemble, modern ensemble, orchestra, and choir.
Duration: 5 Semesters (2 ½ years)
Conservatory of Music
College of Creative Arts, UiTM Shah Alam
CAMU110 | Diploma Seni Muzik
Diploma Muzik adalah program persediaan selama dua tahun setengah. Program ini menawarkan pembelajaran seperti komponen praktikal dan teori muzik bagi memperkenalkan pelajar kepada asas-asas teori muzik, latihan lisan, sejarah, kajian vokal atau melodi, serta peluang untuk pelajar menghasilkan persembahan solo mahupun berkumpulan seperti persembahan tradisional berkumpulan, persembahan moden berkumpulan, orkestra, dan koir.
Durasi: 5 Semester (2 ½ tahun)
Konservatori Muzik
Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif, UiTM Shah Alam
CAMU111 | Diploma in Digital Audio Production
The Diploma in Digital Audio Production is a program that focuses on fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of digital audio production. This two-and-half-year program combines classroom-based learning with Work-Based Learning (WBL) activities through apprenticeship programs with the industry in the hopes to enhance students’ learning experience. Students will be able to develop their skills and creativities in audio recording, mixing, sequencing, sound designing, and audio production among others.
Duration: 5 Semesters (2 ½ years)
Conservatory of Music
College of Creative Arts, UiTM Shah Alam
CAMU111 | Diploma Produksi Audio Digital
Diploma Produksi Audio Digital memberi tumpuan kepada pengetahuan dan kemahiran asas dalam bidang pengeluaran audio digital. Program dua tahun setengah ini menggabungkan pembelajaran berasaskan bilik darjah dengan aktiviti Work-Based Learning (WBL) melalui program perantisan dengan industri bagi meningkatkan pengalaman pembelajaran pelajar. Pelajar akan dapat mengembangkan kemahiran mereka dalam rakaman audio, menggabung audio, penjujukan, reka bentuk bunyi, dan produksi audio yang lain juga.
Durasi: 5 Semester (2 ½ tahun)
Konservatori Muzik
Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif, UiTM Shah Alam

CAMU220 | Bachelor of Music Education (Honors)
This program combines the intensive study of music-teacher education with practical experience in the local school classroom and other educational settings. A niche of the programme is its focus on the three areas of music, music education and education as well as on music technology applications in education.
Duration: 8 Semesters (4 years)
Conservatory of Music
College of Creative Arts, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor
CAMU220 | Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Seni Muzik (Kepujian)
Program ini menggabungkan kajian intensif pendidikan antara pembelajaran muzik-guru dengan pengalaman praktikal di dalam kelas dan persekitaran pendidikan yang lain. Program ini memberi tumpuan kepada tiga bidang utama iaitu muzik, pendidikan muzik dan pendidikan serta aplikasi teknologi muzik dalam pendidikan.
Durasi: 8 Semester (4 tahun)
Konservatori Muzik
Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif, UiTM Shah Alam
CAMU221 | Bachelor of Music Composition (Honors)
This program offers students a choice of concentration areas in either Popular Music or Art Music. This three-year program will provide students with the opportunity to explore their musical ideas and own compositional voice through exposure to a diversity of musical styles, theory, and literature including orchestral techniques, counterpoint & tonal structure, new music, arranging, film scoring, and music technology.
Duration: 6 Semesters (3 years)
Conservatory of Music
College of Creative Arts, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor
CAMU221 | Sarjana Muda Seni Muzik Komposisi (Kepujian)
Program ini menawarkan pilihan pengajian sama ada memfokuskan pembelajaran Muzik Popular atau Muzik Seni. Program tiga tahun ini akan memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk meneroka idea muzik dan suara komposisi mereka sendiri melalui pendedahan kepelbagaian gaya muzik, teori, dan kesusasteraan termasuk teknik orkestra, struktur tonal lawan, muzik baru, mengatur, skor muzik filem, dan teknologi muzik.
Durasi: 6 Semester (3 tahun)
Konservatori Muzik
Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif, UiTM Shah Alam
CAMU222 | Bachelor of Music Performance (Honors)
This program focuses on developing the skills of students in their principal instrument through solo and group performances as well as the theoretical components of a music program such as analysis and an academic project paper. Students will participate in international and local performances, masterclasses, workshops, lessons, and lectures-recitals featuring both local and international musicians.
Duration: 6 Semesters (3 years)
Conservatory of Music
College of Creative Arts, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor
CAMU222 | Sarjana Muda Seni Muzik Persembahan (Kepujian)
Program ini menumpukan pembangunan kemahiran pelajar dalam instrumen utama mereka melalui persembahan solo dan berkumpulan serta komponen teori program muzik seperti analisis dan kertas projek akademik. Pelajar akan mengambil bahagian dalam persembahan antarabangsa dan tempatan, kelas induk, bengkel, pelajaran, dan bacaan kuliah yang menampilkan pemuzik tempatan dan antarabangsa.
Durasi: 6 Semester (3 tahun)
Konservatori Muzik
Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif, UiTM Shah Alam
CAMU223 | Bachelor of Music Business (Honors)
This program enables students to develop a critical understanding of expectations and requirements in the music business and management environments by means of course work in business leadership and ethics, case studies, and distinguished guest lecturers. The capstone project in this program will focus on simulated and actual work environments, especially on the key verticals required of music industry entrepreneurs and professionals.
Duration: 6 Semesters (3 years)
Conservatory of Music
College of Creative Arts, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor
CAMU223 | Sarjana Muda Perniagaan Muzik (Kepujian)
Program ini membolehkan pelajar mengembangkan pemahaman kritikal tentang kehendak dan keperluan dalam dunia perniagaan dan pengurusan muzik dengan cara kerja kursus kepimpinan serta etika perniagaan, kajian kes, dan pensyarah tetamu yang terkenal. Projek capstone dalam program ini akan memberi tumpuan kepada persekitaran kerja simulasi yang sebenar, yang merupakan tunjang kriteria utama sebagai seorang usahawan dan pakar industri muzik.
Durasi: 6 Semester (3 tahun)
Konservatori Muzik
Kolej Pengajian Seni Kreatif, UiTM Shah Alam