Your hard work and perseverance have paid offCongratulations!
+ College of Creative Arts
You’ve reached your dreams and aspirationsWishing you all the happiness in the world
+ with all the blessings your heart desires.

Office of Assistant Vice Chancellor
College of Creative Arts
Creative Media & Technology Hub
Level 3, PTAR 1 Complex
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: +60 3 5544 4001 | 4104
Fax: +60 3 5544 2711
Academic Affairs
(+603) 5544 2703 | 2722 | 8502 | 2705
Students' Affairs
(+603) 5544 2044 | 3769 | 3465 | 3523
Research & Innovation Affairs
(+603) 5544 4003 | 1333 | 4751 | 4007
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