Leaders of Artists & Designers (LOAD)
+ College of Creative Arts
: Leaders of Artists & Designers
Our Students' creative output has once again gone beyond the artisanal and crafting. Contemporary ideations are manifested in numerous outcomes and varied mediums. Some explore the new boundaries of technology while others push new frontiers of the traditional.

The purpose of studio art research is to investigate the process of making art. This ultimately, the basis outcome of the research projects and we must accept its process-driven nature including its failures, mistakes and erroneous assessment. It is a methodology appropriately used by artists to systematically document and map their artistic process in order to make accessible to public inquiry.

The recent chain of events is a stark reminder of how our environment is in a state of VUCA. Despite this Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity of the Creative industry; our new graduates have been steadfast in their pursuit of excellence. It is with amazement what every student produces at the end of their tenure with the College.